Area 2

Bed info.

Eucalypt Walk
Area 2
Number of plants
Number of accessions
Number of taxa
RBG Cranbourne
RBG Melbourne
1–87 of 87
Accession no. Plant no. Provenance type Identification status
RBGC 034272 10 3
RBGC 044253 2
RBGC 184252 6 W 1
Arthropodium strictumChocolate Lily
RBGC 234274 3 W 3
RBGC 224672 3 2
Caladenia latifoliaPink Fairies
RBGC 054399 1 1
Calocephalus citreusLemon Beauty-heads
RBGC 044129 24
RBGC 044129 27
RBGC 044129 34
RBGC 224590 1 2
Chorizema reticulatumShowy Flame Pea
RBGC 224671 2 2
RBGC 224671 5 2
RBGC 204385 3
Correa decumbensSpreading Correa
RBGC 034514 11 1
Dampiera purpureaMountain Dampiera
RBGC 214104 2 W 1
RBGC 214104 3 W 1
RBGC 214104 4 W 1
RBGC 214104 7 W 1
RBGC 154341 5 W 1
Daviesia latifoliaHop Bitter-pea
RBGC 244243 2 W
RBGC 164041 5 1
Diuris sulphureaTiger Orchid
RBGC 084161 2
RBGC 034036 3 W
RBGC 234303 7 W 2
RBGC 234303 8 W 2
Epacris reclinataFuchsia Heath
RBGC 184159 2 2
Eucalyptus cephalocarpaMealy Stringybark
RBGC 004124 4 W 1
RBGC 014103 1 W 1
RBGC 214361 1 W 3
RBGC 214361 2 W 3
RBGC 214361 4 W 3
RBGC 104219 1
RBGC 094323 1
RBGC 094323 2
RBGC 204276 1 1
Gastrolobium bilobumHeart Leaf Poison
RBGC 104547 13
RBGC 104547 18
RBGC 104547 22
RBGC 054337 5 1
Grevillea lanigeraWoolly Grevillea
RBGC 224014 1 W 3
RBGC 214019 1 W 1
RBGC 214019 2 W 1
RBGC 204122 3 W 3
RBGC 204122 4 W 3
RBGC 224073 1 W 3
RBGC 224074 1 W 3
Grevillea sericeaPink Spider Flower
RBGC 224500 2 W 2
Hibbertia procumbensSpreading Guinea Flower
RBGC 214599 2 W 2
RBGC 214599 3 W 2
RBGC 224631 1
Hypolaena fastigiataTassel Rope-rush
RBGC 134335 9 1
RBGC 174298 1 1
Lambertia formosaMountain Devil
RBGC 174047 1 1
RBGC 184247 1 1
Lepyrodia muelleriCommon Scale Rush
RBGC 044384 5
Micromyrtus ciliataHeath-myrtle
RBGC 214102 2 W 1
RBGC 214102 8 W 1
Mirbelia dilatataHolly-leaved Mirbelia
RBGC 134387 34 1
RBGC 214166 2 W 3
Olearia erubescensMoth Daisy Bush
RBGC 214265 2 W 3
RBGC 024033 19 2
RBGC 024033 20 2
Oxylobium ellipticumCommon Shaggy Pea
RBGC 034449 6 1
RBGC 034449 9 1
RBGC 034449 10 1
Ozothamnus obcordatusGrey Everlasting
RBGC 204664 1 W 1
Patersonia occidentalisLong Purple Flag
RBGC 204295 3
RBGC 204295 18
RBGC 204295 26
Pimelea humilisSmall Rice-flower
RBGC 184014 2 W 2
RBGC 184014 6 W 2
RBGC 224137 1 W 3
RBGC 224137 2 W 3
Pultenaea daphnoidesLarge-leaf Bush-pea
RBGC 144331 4 1
RBGC 174191 5 W 1
RBGC 174191 6 W 1
Pultenaea gunniiGolden Bush-pea
RBGC 094603 7 W
Pultenaea pedunculataMatted Bush-pea
RBGC 044009 10 3
RBGC 044009 14 3
RBGC 074175 5
Pultenaea polifoliaDusky Bush-pea
RBGC 204382 2
RBGC 204382 3
Pultenaea weindorferiSwamp Bush-pea
RBGC 214716 6 W 3
RBGC 224288 6 2
RBGC 214850 2 W
Xanthorrhoea minorSmall Grass Tree
RBGC 024054 6 W 1
Xanthosia pilosaWoolly Xanthosia
RBGC 224502 1 W 2
1–87 of 87