Pinus radiata Bed

Bed info.

Pinus radiata Bed
Number of plants
Number of accessions
Number of taxa
RBG Cranbourne
RBG Melbourne
1–100 of 164
Accession no. Plant no. Provenance type Identification status
RBGM 500007 1 3
RBGM 500016 1 3
Acacia enterocarpaJumping Jack Wattle
RBGM 170527 1 1
Acanthus mollisArtist's Acanthus
RBGM 500196 1 3
RBGM 500197 1 3
RBGM 500197 2 3
RBGM 528846 1 1
RBGM 529405 1 1
RBGM 534006 1 1
RBGM 500711 1 1
RBGM 500883 1 3
RBGM 500883 2 3
RBGM 500883 3 3
Alpinia zerumbetShell Ginger
RBGM 534005 1 1
RBGM 534005 2 1
RBGM 523607 1 1
RBGM 535620 1 1
RBGM 508604 1 3
RBGM 000622 1 1
Brachychiton acerifoliusIllawarra Flame Tree
RBGM 501872 1 3
RBGM 501829 1 3
RBGM 961225 1 1
RBGM 532183 1 1
Buddleja davidiiButterfly Bush
RBGM 900150 1 2
RBGM 523823 1 3
RBGM 523824 1 3
RBGM 523831 1 1
Callistemon pityoidesAlpine Bottlebrush
RBGM 535623 1 1
Catalpa bignonioidesIndian Bean Tree
RBGM 502323 1 3
RBGM 831509 1 3
Chamaerops humilisDwarf Fan Palm
RBGM 502615 1 3
Choisya ternataMexican Orange
RBGM 502718 1 3
RBGM 901161 1 3
RBGM 502855 1 3
Combretum caffrumWillow Combretum
RBGM 512060 1 3
RBGM 503110 1 3
RBGM 503154 1 3
RBGM 515054 1 1
RBGM 532186 1 1
RBGM 503323 1 3
RBGM 503335 1 3
Cordyline strictaNarrow-leaved Palm Lily
RBGM 503283 1 3
Correa glabraRock Correa
RBGM 040176 2 1
RBGM 040176 3 1
Corymbia maculataSpotted Gum
RBGM 161472 2 1
Crassula lacteaTailor's Patch
RBGM 515306 1 2
RBGM 535618 1 1
RBGM 970835 1 1
RBGM 970835 3 1
Cussonia spicataCabbage Tree
RBGM 503904 2 3
RBGM 532185 1 1
RBGM 534012 1 1
RBGM 910404 2 2
Deutzia scabraWedding Bush
RBGM 504075 1 3
RBGM 524757 1 3
RBGM 524758 1 3
RBGM 533829 1 1
RBGM 535619 1 1
RBGM 504055 1 3
Dietes robinsonianaLord Howe Wedding Lily
RBGM 515770 1 3
RBGM 515721 1 3
RBGM 534014 1 1
RBGM 535616 1 1
RBGM 517707 2 1
RBGM 535629 1 1
Dodonaea viscosaSticky Hop-bush
RBGM 040175 2 2
RBGM 504370 1 3
RBGM 504382 1 3
Duranta erectaGolden Dewdrop
RBGM 504436 1 3
RBGM 524819 1 3
RBGM 170117 3 W 1
Eugenia unifloraSurinam Cherry
RBGM 886287 3 2
RBGM 524841 1 3
RBGM 535617 1 1
Fatsia japonicaJapanese Aralia
RBGM 900793 20 3
RBGM 900793 21 3
RBGM 505003 1 1
Grevillea australisAlpine Grevillea
RBGM 161043 1 Z 1
RBGM 161244 4 W 3
RBGM 180057 3 W 1
RBGM 100769 3 1
RBGM 100769 4 1
Hakea ellipticaOval-leaf Hakea
RBGM 060847 3 1
Hakea flabellifoliaFan-leaved Hakea
RBGM 190010 1 1
Hakea rostrataBeaked Hakea
RBGM 190015 1 1
Lagerstroemia indicaCrepe Myrtle
RBGM 506577 1 2
RBGM 515593 1 3
RBGM 515593 2 3
RBGM 515593 3 3
RBGM 515593 4 3
RBGM 180521 1 1
RBGM 060135 1 2
RBGM 060135 2 2
RBGM 060135 3 2
Leptospermum micromyrtusButton Teatree
RBGM 180522 1 Z 1
Ligustrum japonicum 'Rotundifolium'Round-leaf Japanese Privet
RBGM 528841 1 1
RBGM 512430 1 1
Livistona australisCabbage Fan Palm
RBGM 506980 1 3
Livistona chinensisChinese Fringe Palm
RBGM 507087 1 3
RBGM 820941 1 3
1–100 of 164