Queensland Bed

Bed info.

Queensland Bed
Number of plants
Number of accessions
Number of taxa
RBG Cranbourne
RBG Melbourne
1–100 of 154
Accession no. Plant no. Provenance type Identification status
RBGM 500490 2 3
Agathis atropurpureaBlack Kauri Pine
RBGM 871219 1 W 1
RBGM 871219 4 W 1
RBGM 500727 1 3
RBGM 501962 1 3
RBGM 501962 2 3
RBGM 501119 2 3
RBGM 511845 2 3
RBGM 501196 2 3
RBGM 501198 1 3
RBGM 534328 1 1
Austromyrtus dulcisMidgen Berry
RBGM 529323 1 1
RBGM 529334 1 1
RBGM 529334 2 1
Backhousia citriodoraLemon Scented Myrtle
RBGM 501437 2 3
RBGM 501442 2 3
RBGM 514427 1 1
RBGM 828892 2 3
Baloghia inophyllaBrush Bloodwood
RBGM 501475 1 3
Brachychiton acerifoliusIllawarra Flame Tree
RBGM 501800 1 3
Brachychiton discolorQueensland Lacebark
RBGM 501814 1 3
RBGM 501871 2 3
Callistemon pachyphyllusSmooth Bottle-brush
RBGM 529332 1 1
Callistemon pearsoniiRainbow Bottlebrush
RBGM 831251 5 3
RBGM 831054 2 1
Calochlaena dubiaRainbow Fern
RBGM 512155 1 1
RBGM 512157 2 1
RBGM 512158 1 1
Capparis arboreaNative Pomegranate
RBGM 830628 1 W 1
RBGM 502297 2 3
RBGM 502298 2 3
RBGM 160724 3 1
RBGM 534327 1 1
RBGM 534338 1 1
RBGM 534339 1 1
RBGM 503100 1 3
RBGM 503101 1 3
RBGM 503376 1 2
RBGM 503326 1 1
RBGM 503326 2 1
RBGM 503326 3 1
RBGM 512091 2 3
RBGM 529339 1 1
RBGM 534324 1 1
RBGM 534337 1 1
RBGM 830556 4 1
RBGM 830556 5 1
Cordyline strictaNarrow-leaved Palm Lily
RBGM 503307 2 1
RBGM 503308 1 1
RBGM 534335 1 1
RBGM 534335 2 1
Correa baeuerleniiChef's Hat Correa
RBGM 850890 2 3
Cryptocarya laevigataRed-fruited Laurel
RBGM 503727 1 3
RBGM 512150 1 1
RBGM 529325 1 1
RBGM 830840 6 W 3
Cryptocarya obovataPepperberry
RBGM 503730 2 3
Cryptocarya triplinervisThree-veined Cryptocarya
RBGM 529324 1 1
Cryptocarya williwillianaSmall-leaved Laurel
RBGM 830834 1 W 1
Cussonia spicataCabbage Tree
RBGM 534329 1 1
Davidsonia pruriensDavidson's Plum
RBGM 504048 2 3
RBGM 504118 2 3
RBGM 504126 3 3
RBGM 504126 4 3
RBGM 504127 1 3
RBGM 504127 2 3
RBGM 504127 3 3
RBGM 529322 1 3
RBGM 504381 1 3
Drypetes deplancheiYellow Tulipwood
RBGM 504418 2 1
RBGM 504419 2 3
RBGM 504447 1 3
RBGM 532201 1 1
RBGM 532202 1 1
RBGM 504513 3 3
RBGM 504516 2 3
RBGM 504521 1 3
RBGM 504522 2 3
RBGM 529330 1 1
RBGM 529336 1 1
RBGM 840542 4 3
Ficus virensBanyan
RBGM 830799 1 W 3
RBGM 505073 2 3
RBGM 505081 1 3
Grevillea hillianaWhite Yiel Yiel
RBGM 505357 2 3
RBGM 505375 1 3
Gynochthodes jasminoidesJasmine Morinda
RBGM 534321 1 1
Kunzea ericifoliaYellow Kunzea
RBGM 534326 1 1
RBGM 506560 1 3
RBGM 506688 2 1
Legnephora mooreiRound-leaf Vine
RBGM 515458 1 3
RBGM 506671 1 3
Leptospermum petersoniiLemon Scented Teatree
RBGM 506687 2 3
Livistona australisCabbage Fan Palm
RBGM 506956 1 3
RBGM 506957 2 3
Lomandra longifoliaSpiny-headed Mat Rush
RBGM 534323 1 1
RBGM 534323 2 1
RBGM 534330 1 1
RBGM 534333 1 1
RBGM 534333 2 1
1–100 of 154