Bank SE

Bed info.

Sand Garden
Bank SE
Number of plants
Number of accessions
Number of taxa
RBG Cranbourne
RBG Melbourne
1–30 of 30
Accession no. Plant no. Provenance type Identification status
Austrostipa mollisSupple Speargrass
RBGC 144009 2 W 3
RBGC 144009 3 W 3
Beaufortia sparsaSwamp Bottlebrush
RBGC 234537 5 2
Chrysocephalum apiculatumCommon Everlasting
RBGC 234561 3 2
Chrysocephalum semipapposumClustered Everlasting
RBGC 234566 4 2
RBGC 234355 3 Z
Cymbopogon refractusBarb-wire Grass
RBGC 234114 8 2
RBGC 234114 9 2
Dampiera linearisCommon Dampiera
RBGC 234341 1 2
Dichelachne crinitaLong-hair Plume-grass
RBGC 234349 2 W 3
Gahnia sieberianaRed-fruit Saw Sedge
RBGC 024268 3 W
RBGC 024268 4 W
RBGC 234535 7 2
RBGC 234542 8 2
RBGC 124615 19 W 3
RBGC 024033 15 2
Poa labillardiereiCommon Tussock Grass
RBGC 234218 10 Z 3
RBGC 234218 11 Z 3
Poa morrisiiSoft Tussock-grass
RBGC 234224 3 W 3
RBGC 234564 9 2
RBGC 234564 10 2
Rhodanthe anthemoidesChamomile Sunray
RBGC 244022 1 2
Scaevola albidaPale Fan Flower
RBGC 234417 4 2
Swainsona greyanaHairy Darling Pea
RBGC 084046 14 1
RBGC 084046 15 1
RBGC 174285 17 1
Veronica perfoliataDigger's Speedwell
RBGC 234560 4 2
Zygochloa paradoxaSandhill Canegrass
RBGC 104279 5 3
RBGC 104279 6 3
RBGC 104279 7 3
1–30 of 30