Grid: dd73

Grid info

Grid code
Number of plants
Number of accessions
Number of taxa
RBG Cranbourne
RBG Melbourne
1–41 of 41
Accession no. Plant no. Bed
Angiopteris evectaTurnip Fern
RBGM 190234 1 Fern Gully
RBGM 501215 1 Fern Gully
Asplenium bulbiferumMother Spleenwort
RBGM 010706 20 Fern Gully
Asplenium scolopendriumHart's Tongue Fern
RBGM 190089 3 Fern Gully
Blechnum nudumWyeebo Gaggawar
RBGM 190091 2 Fern Gully
RBGM 190091 4 Fern Gully
Blechnum wattsiiHard Water-fern
RBGM 120503 2 Fern Gully
RBGM 120503 5 Fern Gully
RBGM 531266 1 Fern Gully
Cyathea australisRough Tree-fern
RBGM 503949 1 Fern Gully
RBGM 842216 2 Fern Gully
RBGM 531261 1 Fern Gully
RBGM 531267 1 Fern Gully
Dicksonia antarcticaSoft Tree-fern
RBGM 040317 8 Fern Gully
RBGM 040317 9 Fern Gully
RBGM 040317 10 Fern Gully
RBGM 040317 11 Fern Gully
RBGM 040317 12 Fern Gully
RBGM 504203 1 Fern Gully
RBGM 504203 2 Fern Gully
RBGM 504203 3 Fern Gully
RBGM 504203 4 Fern Gully
RBGM 504203 5 Fern Gully
RBGM 504203 6 Fern Gully
RBGM 504203 7 Fern Gully
RBGM 504233 1 Fern Gully
RBGM 531260 1 Fern Gully
RBGM 531263 1 Fern Gully
RBGM 842212 3 Fern Gully
Dryopteris marginalisLeather Shield Fern
RBGM 190096 4 Fern Gully
Livistona australisCabbage Fan Palm
RBGM 507010 1 Fern Gully
RBGM 507010 2 Fern Gully
Olearia argophyllaMusk Daisy-bush
RBGM 140268 3 Fern Gully
Pellaea nanaDwarf Sickle Fern
RBGM 890175 1 Fern Gully
Polystichum proliferumMother Shield-fern
RBGM 531262 1 Fern Gully
RBGM 531262 2 Fern Gully
RBGM 531262 3 Fern Gully
Pteris umbrosaJungle Brake
RBGM 170186 1 Fern Gully
Todea barbaraAustral King Fern
RBGM 820778 1 Fern Gully
Trachycarpus fortuneiChinese Windmill Palm
RBGM 511141 1 Fern Gully
RBGM 531264 1 Fern Gully
1–41 of 41