Amanita (no volva)
Order: Agaricales
Family: Amanitaceae
Diagnostic characters
As for Amanita but volva lacking, usually with a bulbous stipe base.
Similar genera
Even though the presence of a volva is a characteristic feature of many species of Amanita, a volva can be lacking in some species, particularly those in sections Amanita, Lepidella and Validae. However, the universal veil usually leaves remnants on the pileus surface, such as felty squamules or conical warts, particularly in young fruit-bodies. The stipe base is often bulbous in Amanita, but can be cylindrical in some species, including those that lack a volva. The presence of amyloid spores (as in section Lepidella and Validae) assists in recognising volva-less collections as Amanita, and will distinguish from other white-spored genera with free lamellae such as Chlorophyllum, Lepiota, Leucoagaricus and Leucocoprinus. In Tricholoma (spores non-amyloid) and Porpoloma (spores amyloid) the lamellae are not free (the usual state in Amanita). Very rarely, collections of Amanita lack a volva and an annulus, and they have a smooth pileus and non-amyloid spores. Bilateral lamellae trama is an important distinguishing character for these specimens, otherwise found only in Hygrophorus and Limacella, both of which have a viscid to glutinous pileus surface when fresh.
Australian species
See under Amanita (other) for full listing of species. Those that can lack a volva include: A. albidannulata, A. ananaeceps, A. ananaecipitoides, A. annulalbida, A. armeniaca, A. chlorophylla, A. conicogrisea, A. farinacea, A. gossypinoannulata, A. griselloides, A. griseovelata, A. luteolovelata, A. nauseosa, A. ochrophylla, A. sordidogrisea, A. striatuloides and A. strobilaceoides.
Australian distribution
All States and Territories.
In native forests, and associated with exotic trees (pine, oak, beech, birch) in parks, gardens and plantations.
On the ground.
Trophic status
See under Amanita (other).