Pileus translucent-striate: yes
This feature must be observed on very fresh material in excellent condition. In dry, hot or windy conditions the surface of the pileus will rapidly dry out and any translucent striae will disappear. When the pileus is translucent-striate, it is also often hygrophanous (changing colour on drying). The surface of the pileus may be quite smooth over the translucent striae or pleated or grooved in tandem with the striae (see Pileus margin grooved, ribbed or pleated). If you suspect that the pileus has dried out, look around for fresher fruit-bodies under leaves or litter, or in other more protected microhabitats.

Choose this state if: around the margin of the pileus there are radiating narrow stripes (striae) which are the tops of the lamellae visible through the thin context of the pileus. The stripes extend from the pileus margin inwards, to varying degrees. The stripes precisely mirror the positions and spacing of the lamellae, and often the stripes alternate short and long due to the shorter lamellulae interpolated between the lamellae. Another term for this state is pellucid-striate.