Pileus surface viscidity: viscid
This feature refers to the sliminess or otherwise of the pileus surface.

This feature must be observed on very fresh material in excellent condition. In dry, hot or windy conditions the surface of the pileus will rapidly dry out and any sliminess will disappear. When a viscid or glutinous pileus has dried out, fragments of leaves or litter (or even small invertebrates) can often be seen sticking to the pileus surface; in a dry or moist pileus such fragments are readily blown away or brushed off. Another sign of a viscid or glutinous pileus that has dried out is that the surface may be shiny (as if varnished), although this is not always due to dried slime. If you suspect that the pileus has dried out, look around for fresher fruit-bodies under leaves or litter, or in other more protected microhabitats.

Choose this state if: there is a thin layer of slime, like the trail of a snail or slug. When you place a finger on the surface it will feel sticky or tacky, but the slime is not thick enough to be lifted readily from the surface (as in a glutinous pileus). The terms 'subviscid' or 'tacky' merely refer to slightly different degrees of viscidity.

If the surface is buttery or waxy, choose dry or moist.