Pileus overall shape: infundibuliform
This feature relates to the overall shape of the pileus as viewed side-on or in cross section. Ignore any modifications of the pileus centre (see Pileus centre shape).

This feature should be assessed using fruit-bodies that are fully mature and expanded but not too old. On young fruit-bodies the mature shape may not have developed properly; old fruit-bodies may become irregular or contorted.

Fruit-bodies may vary considerably in shape between specimens. Choose an average shape for this feature.

Choose this state if: the pileus is deeply concave, with the sides uplifted like a vase. In a strict side view, not much of the pileus is visible at all, but the lamellae are well exposed, and are usually quite decurrent

Another term used to describe this shape is cyathiform.

Sometimes only the centre of the pileus is deeply depressed (an umbilicus), but the overall profile of the pileus is plane or rounded. In such cases choose the appropriate overall shape for the pileus and choose the state deeply depressed for Pileus centre shape.