Pileipellis terminal elements (shape): globose to ellipsoid
The shape of terminal elements is their overall shape side-on, irrespective of any surface features [Pileipellis terminal elements (surface)]. Shape is best observed in a radial cross section of the pileus surface, but can also be observed in a scalp section (with care to interpret whether elements are being viewed end-on, or have fallen over and are side-on).

See also Pileocystidia, which are modified elements, differing from other terminal elements in shape and/or size.

Choose this state if: the terminal elements are globose, subglobose or ellipsoid (with widest point around the middle, and length no more than about twice the width) or are sphaeropedunculate (globose or subglobose, with a narrow, cylindrical basal portion). If the widest point is around the middle and the cystidia are much longer than wide, see clavate or fusiform.