Lamellae edge texture: serrate, crenate or fimbriate
Observe the texture of the lamellae edge by turning over the fruit-body and looking at the lamellae side-on at an angle. Use a x5 hand lens to look carefully at the lamellae edges.

Lamellae edge texture is best observed in young fruit-bodies, because the edge can erode with age.

Choose this state if: the edge of the lamellae is not even, but is finely to coarsely serrate (toothed), crenate (scalloped) or fimbriate (fringed). Other terms for these types of lamellae edge texture are serrulate, crenulate, dentate, denticulate, crisped, torn or eroded.

As the fruit-body matures the lamellae edge can become eroded (irregularly indented and often torn). Do not choose this state for eroded lamellae unless they are observed on fresh, young fruit-bodies.

If the lamellae are split lengthways, see lamellae edge split.