Fruit-body luminous: yes
Luminosity of the fruit-body can only be observed at night, or in a completely darkened room. Allow a couple of minutes for your eyes to adjust to the dark if coming from a well-lit area. The light emitted by luminous agarics is sufficient to be able to see the outline of the fruit-body. Luminous fruit-bodies can be photographed by their own light (with a very long exposure).

In some genera, rhizomorphs or mycelia may be luminous, but this feature refers only to luminosity of the fruit-body.

Choose this state if: the fruit-body is luminous. Other terms that describe this phenomenon are luminescent and phosphorescent.

The Ghost Fungus, Omphalotus nidiformis, is luminous. Some species of Mycena, Nothopanus and Panellus may well be luminous, although observations on Australian material are lacking.