Order: Agaricales
Family: Pleurotaceae
Identification units
Four identification units in Pleurotus are keyed out separately.

  • Pleurotus eugrammus, previously placed in a separate genus Nothopanus, can be luminous (and hence confusable with Omphalotus nidiformis). It also differs from other Pleurotus in the presence of branched pileipellis hyphae with occasional diverticulate outgrowths, and the absence of cheilocystidia.

  • Pleurotus giganteus is very large and has previously been placed in Panus. It can be distinguished from other members of the genus due to the presence of ellipsoid spores and capitate cheilocystidia.

  • Pleurotus tuber-regium has previously been placed in Panus or Lentinus, and is unusual in the genus in having a sclerotium.

  • Pleurotus (other) covers most species, including Pleurotus australis, P. djamor and P. purpureo-olivaceus.

Pleurotus (Fr.) P.Kumm., Führer Pilzk. 24, 104 (1871).