
Taxonomic status Accepted
Occurrence status Present
Origin Native
Degree of establishment Native

Terrestrial glabrous herbs, arising from small tubers. Leaf solitary, basal, broad and thick; bracts on lower part of flowering stem often large and leaf-like. Flowers 1–7 with column uppermost; dorsal sepal broad, cucullate, incurved over column; lateral sepals and petals narrow, deflexed or spreading, about as long as dorsal sepal. Labellum sessile, shorter than petals, 3-lobed; lamina callus consisting of a central, plate-like ridge, breaking up distally. Column incurved, narrowly winged, about as long as labellum,

2 species, both endemic to Australia, 1 widespread across southern Australia including Victoria, the other only in Western Australia.

Both species of Pyrorchis are induced to flower by fire the previous season. Flowering is sometimes also induced by slashing or other disturbance.

Created by: Jeff Jeanes, 26 Aug. 2014
Updated by: Jeff Jeanes, 2 Sep. 2014
Pyrorchis (hero image) Spinning